Ready to share your article? Follow these steps!
Science4Kids only accepts articles written in Microsoft Words (.docx
format) for now. Please put your entire submission into a single
Word document, including all text and pictures.
Your submission can be as short or as lengthy as you'd like, but it
should follow this format:
1. Title - This is the name of your article. Keep it short
but informative!
2. Authors - Write the name of everybody who worked on the
3. Abstract - A short summary of your entire study. In a few
sentences, tell us everything you did and what you found.
4. Introduction - Tell us what question you want to answer,
and why you decided to do your experiment.
5. Materials and Methods - List everything you used
(materials) for your experiment, and what steps you took (methods)
to run your study. Try to be very clear, so that someone else could
read it and repeat your experiment if they want to!
6. Results and Discussion - What happened? Tell us what you
saw. Why do you think this happened? Was it expected or
7. Conclusion - Here's where you wrap it all up. What did you
learn from your experiment? Would you do something different next
time? Did your experiment make you want to do another one?
8. References - At the end, include a bibliography of
references, such as links to websites, books, or other articles in
any format you'd like. You may want to use a tool such as Zotero,
Mendeley, or EndNote to keep track, but this is not a requirement.
We encourage you to include picutres in your submission,
including drawings of what you saw, photos of your experimental
setup, or anything you design that helps your readers understand
what you did.
If you have any data to report, you can include graphs or
tables in your submission.
If you have any references or links, make sure they are
included as both in-text references as well as in the
Note: Your experiment does not need to be original to submit
to Science4Kids (you do not need to be the first person to do this
experiment). However, you must be the one to write your article! Do
not submit someone else's study as your own.
What you can submit to Science4Kids:
• School-related science projects
• Experiments from the
home, kitchen, or garden
• Anything else that answers a
scientific question!